5 Names Of Hanuman With Their Stories

Hanuman Names And Stories

Do you know that the childhood name of Lord Hanuman was Maruti which was his real name but today we know him by many other names. Whatever the names of Lord Hanuman, there is some interesting story behind it, some of which you know and some not. That is why today we will share with you the story related to some of the main names of Hanuman so that your knowledge can be increased.

Hanuman Names And Stories Related To It

#1. Pawanputra / Vayuputra Name Meaning

Hanuman ji’s mother’s name was Anjali who in her previous birth was a daughter pf god named Anjana. Anjana was cursed by a sage that whoever she loves will have a monkey’s face. In the next birth, Mother Anjana was born on earth as Anjali and married a monkey named Kesari.

Mother Anjali was a great devotee of Lord Shiva, due to which Lord Shiva gave her a boon to be born from her womb as incarnation. When King Dasharatha was performing a yajna to get a son, the sage gave the three wives of Dasharatha to eat kheer. Suddenly an eagle came there and flew away carrying a little kheer in her paw.

Mother Anjali was worshiping Lord Shiva at another place when Shiva ordered Vayudev (God of Air) to drop that pudding into the hands of Mother Anjali with the claws of that eagle. Vayudev did exactly that and Mother Anjali ate that kheer considering it to be the blessings of Lord Shiva, after which she gave birth to Maruti. That is why he is also known as Pawanputra or Vayuputra.

#2. Hanuman Name Meaning

As we told you that the real name of Hanuman ji was Maruti, so now the thing to think about is that how did he get his name Hanuman? Actually, Hanuman is a Sanskrit word that is made from the combination of two words: Hanu meaning jaw and Mana meaning deformed. Thus Hanuman means one with deformed or bent jaws. But do you know that Hanuman ji’s jaw was perfect at the time of birth, so how did his jaw become crooked?

When Lord Hanuman was young, he saw the sun in the sky, which he thought was a fruit. That’s why he flew in the sky and swallowed the sun, due to which the whole world was in darkness. Enraged by this, Indra Dev (King of Heaven and God of Rain) attacked Hanuman ji with his Vajra which hit his jaw and he fainted and fell on the earth. Since then his jaw became slightly crooked and he got the name Hanuman.

#3. Meaning Of Bajrang Bali Name

In Sanskrit, Bajrang means kumkum or vermilion. There is an interesting story behind this too. It is well known to all of you that the biggest devotee of Lord Rama was Hanuman and Hanuman ji also had a great attachment to Lord Rama.

One day when Hanuman ji came to know about Mother Sita applying vermilion, he curiously asked the reason behind it. So Sita Mata told him that she applies vermilion for Shri Ram, so that he remains healthy and has a long life.

On hearing this, Hanuman ji thought that if Mother Sita’s application of vermilion alone can have such an effect, then why not from me.

After this, he applied vermilion all over his body, since then his name was Bajrang Bali. That is why even today you will find the tradition of offering vermilion in the temple of Hanuman ji.

#4. Sankat Mochan Name Meaning

Whether it is Hanuman Chalisa or Ramayana, Hanuman ji has been called Sankatmochan in all. That is, Hanuman ji was such a great man who used to remove the troubles of his loved ones. Whether it is to find Mother Sita or to bring Sanjeevani Booti for Lakshmana. 

Whenever there was any problem arises on Lord Rama, he remembered his supreme devotee Hanuman and Hanuman also removed all his troubles.

Pleased with Hanuman’s sincere devotion, Mother Sita blessed him to become immortal. That is, Hanuman ji is such a living human being in the form of God who got the boon of being immortal. Even today people strongly believe that Lord Hanuman is still on this earth in some form or the other and if he is remembered with a sincere heart, then he removes all the troubles of his devotees.

#5. Panchmukhi Name Meaing

Panchmukhi is also a Sanskrit language word that is formed by joining two words. In this, Panch means the number five and Mukhi means the mouth i.e. Hanuman with five faces.

Once Ahiravan or Mahiravana, brother of demon Ravana who was famous for his elusive powers, kidnapped Lord Rama and Lakshmana and took them to Hades. He was about to sacrifice both of them in front of his goddess Mahamaya, but Hanuman came there to save them.

There he saw that five lamps were burning in five directions, which were possible to kill Ahiravana only if they were extinguished simultaneously. That is why Hanuman took the form of five-faced Hanuman, in which he put on the faces of the gods Varaha, Garuda, Narasimha and Hayagriva and killed Ahiravan.

By the way, there are 108 names of Lord Hanuman, out of which 12 names are prominent, whose chanting will remove your troubles. With this, Jai Bajrang Bali to all of you.

About the Author: Krishna


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